Tag Archives: Capricorn

Negative Capricorn

Tuesday March 11,2014

Negative Capricorn

Centaur Astrology:Capricorn


The 12 zodiac signs all have their perks. You may wish to be another zodiac sign in your life time, but most of us are happy with which ever zodiac sign we are as there are endless ways and possibilities left to discover ourselves through that sign. Today I will give you a special look at all the signs one by one and what their negative qualities are. Negative zodiac sign qualities mean when a zodiac sign is down to his or her worst.

Centaur Astrology :Capricorn Negative Qualities: Self Protective,Reserved, Awkward,

Astrology Elements of the Zodiac: Capricorn

Monday, March 10,2014

Astrology Elements of the Zodiac: Capricorn

Centaur Astrology:Capricorn


Out of all the 12 zodiac signs Capricorn is the 10th zodiac sign of the bunch. All the signs have their own unique qualities and today Id like to talk about the element that this zodiac sign has. So this is brought to you by Centaur Astrology

10th Zodiac Sign Capricorn Element: Earth

What Astrological day is Capricorn Born on

March 10,2014

What Astrological day is Capricorn Born on

Centaur Astrology:Capricorn


If you were curious to known under which sign your birthday landed against here you go: 

If your are Capricorn your are Born on December 22 – January 19

Take care astrology lovers from Centaur Astrology